2013 -Update

OMFG it's the end of the year and I'm starting to blog again, I don't have much inspiration but I'm sure I'll get there somehow. So I've just been doing some adventure time lately and I haven't actually done any picture taking. I want to it's just that I'm lacking of a "digital camera". I had a camera once but of course; silly me I've lost it and yep it doesn't belong to me.

How tragic..

I'm sure the owner wouldn't be pleased after coming back to find that his beloved camera went missing, I'm sure I'll find it --well maybe in like a million years or so.

So besides that, I did some terrible things this week. I over road killed myself and gain 5 kilos! It wasn't worth it but at the same time it felt awesome.

I should stop feeding myself chocolates and carbs, I need to lose weight before the Japanese festival..
("I have now adopted a food baby in my belly")

Unattractive sexy would be the perfect term for a food baby!

What am I talking about? Just crap really.. Here's a picture of my unfinished gundam, why? Because I lost the 3 pieces! I'm a shameful gundam fan who lost an important piece.

He has no weapons and shields , I just hope he can still fight without it.




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"Human's aren't just comprised of a single colour but with different ones. What our true colours are, what our own colours are, no one knows. Progress colourfully and continue living colourfully". - hymisaki
