Today I set out on another adventure, firstly I got my nails done secondly on my every own two eyes I saw a young woman in her early 20's shoplift an item from Tony Moly. I should have said something out loud but I kept quiet about it and waited for the sales clerk to be available. It was weird as she tried to make it look like it was a normal everyday thing and by looking at me directly she just didn't give a flinch that she was actually doing something wrong. As soon as I was able to take hold of the sales lady I told her twice that yes, I saw it with my two eyes. Unbelievable I was right she was then told that she has to pay for the items she stole which was considerably funny because most of the stuff she style was $20+, idiot! Stealing is bad was she raised in a farm or something my god... people these days are crazy.
Thirdly after I headed out and bought my item I called my friend and of course lame excuse, car couldn't start as battery was dead. He then complained about how buses take longer and can't even walk as its a 50km. Like bro... life is short stop whining, if he wanted too go so bad then whining isn't the solution. I would have gone myself to great lengths just to meet up with a friend doesn't matter how far it is you can't cry over spoiled milk, it's disgraceful I think he cried like a sissy today haha. So after that this would have been forth; I called another friend to meet up with as that was the first plan. He's from Taiwan but came here on a working visa, we met at the golden tree at central and set out to eat late lunch as I did thirdly mention my "sissy friend" was being a typical drama queen he missed out all the fun today. So we set out to eat some Korean, it was delicious yet very filing since I did managed to finish my lunch. After that we headed down to grab some deserts, there was so many places to choose from but the place I wanted to go and thought of apart from all the expensive ones so we decided to had down to N2 - Extreme Gelato!
It was awesome and very chocolatey, tasty and messy at the same time. Hm.. after having a long conversation with my friend I told him that we should have a little time to walk it off and soon after I became hungry again haha until we stopped and saw people were coming out off an elevator so I could've done what anyone would have done not really but just me of course I went to investigate and found that whole bottom floor was an internet cafe [wow] with really great computers and seats. I've been and seen a lot of disgusting places and this is by far from comfort it's like a VIP pass to a cinema but with games, holy smokes I have to return to this joint haha maybe next time when I have more cash flowing haha, I spent it all on food and getting my nails done but I am keen in buying a PG gundam dammit... why did I become girly all of the sudden sigh!!

This is the place to be.. inside with their lab coats and a laboratory

Nitrogen mixed it with gelato and BAM! You have extreme gelato

With a syringe stuck on top, great presentation there!
10 billion thumbs up