It has been 6 weeks and today this will be my 7th of being a vampire (lol). I do go out once in a while but I find that the cheapest way to keep your skin under controlled from the sun or weather is that staying indoors out of the sun is the best & cheap way to not get darker. I do work and I also study but I start before the sun shines and when the sun sets is when I leave from work. We all have our different levels of patience that's also includes on daily life. So I guess if you want lighter skin stay out of the sun for 6 weeks and you'll see the results but of course you'll have your morning 5 minute under the sun to have that vitamin E. And before you know it you'll have a lighter skin 😂 not to mention you won't prune up.
This must have been one hell of a boring day for me to blog this.. 😂😂