Hey guys so it's been a while since I started blogging again, I've been
really busy toning my body down since the cosplay convention is coming
up this week. It has been the toughest challenge I've ever come across
and with little time left honestly I had to do something about it, so
this may sound a little crazy but within one week of pushing through
diet and exercising I've lost at least 6kgs in a week, as to anyone
would think if it's even possible to lose that much in a week I didn't
starve myself nor did I do anything that will effect my health I just
basically did was 10 minutes a day doing workout and cutting
down on certain amounts of food that weren't good for me let alone thinking I
was heading to boot camp on one summery night; yep it's all true. I've
forced myself to think I was heading to boot camp and there was no way
leaving the place until I shed those kilos off and yes it actually worked
and now that I'm 57kg from 63kg a week ago; heck that's amazing and no
it's no miracle just a very high metabolism and thinking I'm in boot
camp but really I'm not. Please don't be discourage yourself, everybody's bodies is different.. just inspire yourself!
My Everyday Routine
As soon as I wake up , brushed my teeth etc etc..
I do my daily routine 12x from morning & night:
7:00am - crunches : stomach/legs/chest/butt
8:00am - Big breakfast it's very important that you always have a big breakfast to start the day
10:00am - Mini snack something like fruits/crackers (less salt), mini tomatos
12:00pm - Medium lunch the size must be at least a small bowl not too big or too small as it helps you get through the day without starving yourself
4:00pm - Mini snack as again I mentioned fruits or crackers that contain less salt is ideal for your mini snack. Mini tomatoes help circulate the blood flow in your body.
6:30pm - 5x laps running running is a good way to lose those ugly cellulite on your legs it is also a great way to tone them.
7:30pm - Very small dinner this helps you not gain any unwanted extra kilos at night so don't eat too much or you don't defeat the purpose of following the routine.
8:30pm - Crunches/weights after an hour of letting your body settle down another exercise is a great way to give it a little bit of boast.
9:00pm - Time for bed I personally sleep or try to sleep before 10pm as your body needs to recover and energize itself.
Ab toning:
Buttom toning:
Chest & back exercise:
Note: While doing exercise always drink plenty of water and if you feel you need to stop don't push your body to a limit. Always start small then when your body gets used to it start doing more reps. Before and after every exercise also do stretches as it feels extra good on your body.
- Too much salt, a pinch of salt once a week is enough to help you lose the fat.
- Avoid soft drinks/fizzy drinks or any sugary drinks.
- Juice such as apple, orange, banana or any type of juice is not healthy for you, if you drink it everyday or 3 times a week as it looses the nutrients inside the fruit. Fruits aren't meant to be crunched but eaten whole.
- Junk food; you can have your naughty time with junk food once a week but don't over ingulage yourself. Maintain a strick amount of how much you can consume in 1 week and you should be fine.
- Don't boil your vegetables but grill or oven bake them as I mentioned it looses it's nutrients by boiling it so if you want those vitamins going into your system and not in the water then I suggest you oven bake them.
- Don't deep fry or use too much oil 1-2 table spoon of oil is enough to cook your meals.
So as my final thoughts before I leave and do more workout just remember at the end of the day you'll feel great and sore (lol) but it feels great from inside and out once your body is used to it :D