Trick or treat

HelloToday I went trick n treating, I didn't put enough effort in making such a big fuss over my costume as here in Australia we don't normally celebrate Halloween as they do in America. But nevertheless what is most important is the 'goodies'.

And while I was trick or treating outside the weather was beautiful but deadly 27 degrees. (My reasons for saying deadly 27 degrees as our sun in Australia are more hotter then any country in the world which I like to add that our sun could actually damage your skin if you're not careful and) and so --door knocking at 5pm, I felt like I was a sales lady selling foxtel goods or something, I was almost burnt to a crisp so what I made the sun stop burning my skin? Yep! An umbrella --I'm so Asian.

Well at the end of this adventure I couldn't go on and failed to make my bag at least full enough to be content so I ended up heading to coles and grabbing some lunch before heading home.

The End!





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"Human's aren't just comprised of a single colour but with different ones. What our true colours are, what our own colours are, no one knows. Progress colourfully and continue living colourfully". - hymisaki
